Summer Campish

On Monday I came up with what I thought was a good idea for another class to teach this summer at Whimsy Cottage.
The problem was that I had to come up with a description and sample of the class before Saturday.  This on top of an already full schedule of items to be made before Saturday, but somehow everything fell into place and I did it.
I call the class "Summer Campish."
All the fun of the arts and crafts sessions without the bugs, sleeping bags or lack of showers.
The class will be three 2-hour sessions.
During the first session we will learn to make stencils and stamps and then use them along with store bought stencils and stamps to paint onto a piece of fabric.

During the second session we will learn how to use some easy and edible resists onto fabric before painting on top. (oops forgot to take a picture of the resist fabric)
During the third session we will take the two pieces of fabric we have created and use them to make a drawstring backpack.
I really like how easy these backpacks are to make and how fun it was to create the fabric.
Classes will be July 12, 13 and 14 from 10 a.m. to Noon and is limited to 8 students.  I'm hoping to need a waiting list so that we can do another session in August because I really enjoyed this project.
And so did someone else. . .I bet you can't tell who it was. . .


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