Summer Campish

Summer Campish Class was a success.
We were few in numbers but all had a great time painting fabric with Setacolor paints.

Setacolor is a transparent fabric paint which can also be used for sun painting.  We would have sun painted but, despite it being the middle of July, it was raining during our first day of camp. 

We used stencils and stamps to create our masterpieces. 

And lots of imagination. 

 This young lady drew her own wolf stamp with amazing details.

During our second day we played with resists using corn syrup. 

 And on the third day we used our fabrics to create string backpacks.

 Janice left a little early and didn't finish her bag but the other three finished them and did wonderful work!

We had a lot of fun and are planning another "play date" for this fall.

Tip Junkie handmade projects


Jane Babcock said…
String backpacks are very popular here because they are more cool to wear.

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