
I am surrounded by some of the most talented people!
July 24th is a big holiday in Utah when we celebrate Pioneer Day.  It is the day that Brigham Young and his company arrived into the Salt Lake Valley.  One of the big events is a parade.  The Stake I live in was in charge of a float and they did a fabulous job!  Just have a look:

Can you believe this fox is carved from upholstery foam?
Almost everyone in the stake had a chance to work on it.  My daughters helped put glitter on these flowers.
 My talented friend, Carol Ritchie, carved these bunnies from styrofoam.
 Look at all the incredible detail!
 My friend JoAnn Nance did a lot of work on the float and also created this yummy lunch.
 This is Wilford Woodruff.  Our stake is the Wilford stake, named for this pioneer.
 This owl and beaver were also carved from upholstery foam.

 Doug had to duck under the float to take care of Wilford's fly rod.

 I love the details.  Just look at this adorable nest of eggs!
 And the weaving on the basket!
  I love the seagull checking things out on top of the house.

Here's the list of all the talented people who made it possible.


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