More Journal Quilts

I've been playing catch up on my Journal quilts.
Here is 
#3:  Rejoice
is a background of a few random fabric paints, covered by my Sharpie marker drawing of a tree branch, singing bird and word.  The bird is painted onto of the background with acrylic inks.  I quilted around the marker lines and then decided it needed a few more leaves quilted into the background.
 #4:  Swirls and Circles 
is fabric painted using stencils and Setacolor paints that I used to practice some new free motion quilting designs I learned from this great website.
 #5:  Flower Man
is made up of pieces left over from the Journal cover I blogged about earlier in the week.  I liked the odd shape it took and so I decided not to square it up.  Once finished I thought it looked like a fat flower man.
#6:  Feathering My Nest
is made from a couple of recycled (upcycled?) Shout Color Catchers I had thrown in the wash with the fabric I ice dyed last week and then didn't blog about (see I don't blog everything I do).  I thought they were just so bright and pretty that I couldn't throw them away.  I'm glad I found a good use for them.  I have a goal of becoming better at quilting feathers so I thought I would use some of my journal quilts as a way to practice this beautiful stitch.


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