
I have been bursting for months to share a secret with you all. . .
I have finally been published.
I am doing the happy dance today!
And because Interweave was nice enough to send me an extra copy of the magazine I am going to make someone else do the happy dance by giving it to one of my readers.  Please leave a comment on this post telling me about your favorite way to go green and you will be entered to win a copy of Quilt Scene.  The drawing will close at midnight (mst) on Friday, November 4, 2011,.


Wendy said…
Hey, wow! Well done you! It's my dream to be published but somehow I don't think it'll ever happen! I recently crocheted a market bag, but it ended up too small. I've made a couple of fabric grocery bags to replace the plastic ones and i've bought some old sheets to make some more... when i get a chance!
Anneliese said…
That is so awesome! Way to go!
Jane Babcock said…
Congratulations. Great photo of the produce bags.
Sandy and Steve said…
Favorite way to go green: I try to remember to bring my own shopping bags to the grocery store. But when I forget, the plastic bags go to Meals on Wheels, who uses 600-700 of them a WEEK to deliver meals to homebound seniors. Someone at my quilt group in Sierra Vista collects them and passes them on.
Paula Dalby said…
That is so SEW awesomethat you are published!! Congratulations. I think my favorite way to go green is plan my trips in the car. Instead of running 2-3 errands each day, I save them up. map them out and have an errand day each week. When I was working I'd do them on my way to or from work. Since I'm not currently working, there are days I don't drive anywhere and that saves me fuel $$, but also saves on pollutants going into the air. Congrats again--you ROCK!!
Sylvia said…
Carpooling with friends!
Well...I am surprised this is the first time you have been published! Congratulations! If I don't win...I am going to buy the magazine :) I have wanted to subscribe to a good quilting magazine like I mentioned. Out of all of them...which one is best that has artlike stuff...maybe applique things too?
Also...did they take that photo or did you?
Anonymous said…
Congratulations Lisa! Looked for your magazine in Smith's and couldn't find it. The produce bags would be a great addition to my booth at the farmer's market.
Sandra said…
Buying green fabric, wearing lime green clothing? Oh, that might not be the kind of 'green' you mean ;-)

Recycling soda cans and newspapers.

Congrats on the publication. People were talking about making mesh re-usable grocery bags just the other day on QuiltArt list. You must be a trendsetter.
Jessica said…
Congratulations!! Can't wait to get my hands on a copy.
My favorite way to go green is to compost our raw kitchen trash. The garbage bag is so much lighter when we don't throw away food!
Becky in Oregon said…
Love the pattern. Bought quilt scene just to make the bags for daughters-in-law for Christmas. Were did you find your mosquito netting? Have been searching all over for it.
Lisa Chin said…
Becky, I found the mosquito netting at my local Hancock fabrics. There are places online that sell mosquito netting as well. Good luck!

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