In the Dark

We've had some big wind storms here in Utah last week.
There were several trees that went down because of the wind being so strong.  One in particular caused our local power to go out at 4:30 a.m.  My girls were very disappointed that there was still power at the school.  After I sent them off to school I sat in the dark with a candle and suddenly noticed the beautiful patterns that were being cast by the candle.
 I had to take photos.
 Just a typical jelly jar with a grape motif.
 But the designs were delightful

The power was out all day and once the sun was up I crawled back into bed with a good book and snuggled down.  I was suppose to be cleaning and sewing but as I had been sick with a stomach bug the day before I thought it was a great excuse to spend some down time with the cats.  They didn't mind a bit.
This is one of the many trees that came down in my neighborhood.
This beautiful blue spruce which came up by the roots, was in my backyard neighbors yard.  The amazing part of the story was that the tree went down right inbetween two houses and the only thing lost (besides the home for many birds and Mr. Squirrel) was a rain gutter.  We're thankful no one was harmed.


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