
Life has been so busy with the holidays that I haven't had the time I would like in my studio and so when I had a free evening I had to decide:  sew or clean up and reorganize?  I posted the options on Facebook and the overwhelming response was SEW!
But I just couldn't do it.  
I had to reorganize. 
There just comes a point sometimes when the creative juices cannot flow through the mess. I did resist the urge to tear the whole room apart, rearrange and reorganize. I cleared up the surfaces, put away things that had been piled here and there and then decided I needed a chalkboard, cork board and more organization containers.  (More about the chalkboard and cork board in another post)  Recently I read a great blog post on Art Camp for Women about how to make custom sized boxes to organize your art supplies.  I decided to try it out with my drawer of quilting threads.  They needed some reorganization anyway and it's hard to find boxes shallow enough for these wonderful map drawers.

And After:
I even organized them by color and a little bit by thread type as well.  This organizing really shows me what color threads I need to buy.
Next will be boxes for my sewing threads and then the markers, pens and pencils.


Lorri Flint said…
Lisa, I love how you used the boxes to organize your thread! Besides being organized, you can remove a box for use at a design wall or the sewing machine and slip it back in the drawer when you're done - clever! Lorri at Art Camp for Women

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