Meeting Judy

I have been online friends with Judy Coates Perez for . . . a very long time.
I admire her painted quilts and have wanted to learn all I can from her.
I have her two DVD's, regularly read her blog and ask her questions which she is always generous enough to answer but I have wanted to meet her in person and take a class from her but we seemed to keep missing each other.
Today, this long sought after goal, finally came to pass in Houston!
This is Judy and her very talented daughter, Indigo.

The class was called: Tsukiniko All Purpose Inks and we learned how to paint with these inks on fabric.  I liked my leaves and sphere from the morning but my flower making needs some work.
And this is my piece from the afternoon.
I really learned a lot from this little guy.
One of the most important things I learned was that thread play covers painting mistakes. hahaha
I'm looking forward to using the Tsukiniko Inks more!

I'm linking up this week to Off the Wall.  Stop on over and have a look at what everyone else is up to this week!


The inks make lovely colors! What a fun time you must have had. Thanks for sharing.
Judy Perez is totally amazing! I'd love to take that class, too!
Nina Marie said…
Ohhh I want to meet Judy P too - color me jealous!
Jeannie said…
Melly and Judy are the two people I want to meet and learn from the most, and you have done both! Woo Hoo!!! I too stalk both of them and own everything they have published. Your artwork turned out fantastic. I love the little bird. Way to go, Lisa!!!

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