Making Stencils
I've found a new use for my new toy, the Silhouette Portrait:
Stencil Making!
Here is my first totally original stencil I designed and then cut out of transparency plastic with my Silhouette. The design is kind of hard to see with just the plain plastic on this piece of card stock but. . .
. . .a bit easier once I painted over the top with a stamp pad. Too bad I didn't move the stencil off the page all the way.
I decided to use the stencil with my other favorite toy, the Gelli Plate.
Usually I remember to place the stencil on the plate backwards so that the print comes out forwards but mistakes will be made. . .
. . .so that I can learn and then correct the mistake.
I really like how these came out!
The second stencil I made is from this photo of fireworks I took last July 4th. I isolated one of the fireworks in photoshop, duplicated it, cleaned it up and turned it into a png file with the intention of making a thermofax with the image but since I haven't done that yet. . . .
I made it into a stencil and used it to make monoprints with my Gelli plate.
Wow, this photo is very orange.
Despite that, I really love the way these turned out!
The far left is a print made with the stencil still on the Gelli Plate and the rest of them were made from various combinations of prints with and without the stencil on the plate.
I think I am in trouble.
I absolutely LOVE stencils and I always have.
I have stencils that are 25 years old or more and it's looking like I will be making a lot more stencils.
Have you ever made your own stencil?
Do you like stencils?
I'm looking for more stencil projects, so
What do you do with stencils?
My DH bought me a different cutter last year, but I've never used it as it only uses that company's designs and I can't cut stencils of my own art for surface design. Useless to me.
This, on the other hand, sounds just like what I wanted in the first place!