
I've been getting class proposals for the 2013 Utah State Quilt Festival ready this week.  One of the classes I am proposing is a class on how to make stamps for use in surface design.  I have had a lot of fun playing er. . .working on this very hard project.

What new technique would you like to learn how to do?
Let me know in the comments section and maybe I'll find out something new I need to learn as well!

Go see what's new Off the Wall this week!


Judy Ferguson said…
Looks like you came up with some pretty interesting designs. I would like to design one that looks like a tribal totem. It could be used with an African theme. Just haven't figured that out yet.
Lynda said…
Sounds like a great class. I've got all of the stuff to do it but am obsessed by marbling right now! I think your class will be a hit. Wish I were closer.
Anonymous said…
This sounds like everyone will have a lot of fun! Have you tried the PhotoEZ way to make screen stencils? That looks like an interesting process too. I have no connection with the product, by the way. You can read more about it a

Come see me at "Off the Wall Friday!" too.

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