Whenever I finish something
I think of this spunky woman from an episode of MASH
- she is at the 45 second mark.
"FINISH!" I'm done and I ain't doin' no more!
Thanks to everyone for their comments and kind words about getting rid of the quilt police in my head. I didn't pick out the square quilting. I cut the edges a little wavy but maybe they should have been a little more wavy.
Oh well.
After some internal debate I decided to do a faced binding.
It's been a little while since I did a faced binding and I forgot how to do it so I started it all wrong and picked it out again, looked up a tutorial and did it right the second time. "Lost in Transition" is now FINISH! Well actually it still needs a label and sleeve, and then it is FINISH!
What are you finishing these days?