Petroglyphs for Lynda

The theme for January at The Printed Fabric Bee was Petroglyphs.  My family loves petroglyphs and we have taken many hikes to explore areas with glyphs. One of the images that has always stayed with me are the hands.  I feel a connection to these hands and their drawings.  They were people that really lived thousands of years ago.  I decided I wanted to add my own hand to the images I would put on a stencil so I scanned my hand and traced it using the design software for my Silhouette electronic cutter.

Of course I had to make my hand much smaller to fit on the fabric. . .
I started the fabric out by dyeing it a burnt orange to represent the beautiful rocks of southern Utah.
 To add a little texture I decided to spatter some silver onto the fabric, but honestly I think I ended up with more paint on my fingers than anywhere else!
 Next came the painting of the stencil.  I opted for using cosmetic sponges rather that the quick and easy silk screen method because I didn't want the petroglyphs to be a solid color.  I wanted them shaded.  I used Speedball silk screen fabric paint in turquoise. . .
. . .and covered the entire piece.
 I thought it needed a little more of something so I went back over the images with more silver paint.  Some areas are lighter, some are darker.
But overall I like the effect!
If you would like the opportunity to win a piece of the above fabric along with ten other  6"x6" hand designed petroglyph fabrics for yourself, go to Lynda's blog at or before February 14th and leave a comment!
Thanks for stopping by and I hope you'll leave a comment here too and tell me if you have seen petroglyphs too!


Thread Born said…
Absolutely LOVE this Lisa! Feel bad about my continual tardiness...hope to catch up this month and be on time!!!
What a fantastic method. Love the overall design and the dyed fabric is perfect.
I love your piece Lisa! The connection with the hands is really special.
Brenda said…
Thanks for sharing your creative methods. I really enjoy how you all respond to the challenges each time, and especially, how you let us into your thinking as you create.
Bethany Garner said…
Lisa... you always impress me with the so creative approaches you create for the Printed Fabric Bee pieces. This one is really fun and love that your petroglyphs include your hand. Thanks for sharing...
Bethany,from cold and very snowy Kingston, ON
Lynda said…
Lisa, I LOVE your piece. Can't wait to see it in person and play with it.
Lynda said…
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acornreads said…
Have loved petroglyphs ever since we visited Chaco Canyon...10+ years ago. You made beautiful fabric..thanks for sharing.
Sandra said…
how did I miss these petroglyphs? My fav. very cool

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