Snowflake Card

A simple tutorial on how to make this Snowflake Card I made for my friend's birthday.

8 1/2 x 11" piece of turquoise card stock
White craft paint or White Sharpie Poster Marker (water based)
Blue craft paint
Cosmetic sponge triangle
Snowflake Stencil (I created my stencil with my Silhouette electronic cutter)
Angelina Fiber
Goddess Sheet or Parchment paper
Do-dad such as a button, or other embellishment for snowflake center
Sewing machine with free motion foot
Matching thread
Iron and ironing board

1. Cut the sheet of card stock in half so that you have two 5 1/2 x 8 1/2 pieces.  Fold one of them in half.  This will be the top of your card.
2. Stencil snowflakes onto your card.  I used the paint from my white Sharpie Poster Marker by pressing the tip into a cosmetic sponge.  Dab the sponge across the stencil to transfer the snowflakes onto the front of the card.

3. Place a small fluff of Angelina Fiber onto your Goddess sheet or parchment paper and iron on a Silk setting.  This will fuse the fibers together.  I made mine too big at first so I tore it apart, put it back together and made a thicker, smaller piece.
4. Stencil a snowflake onto your Angelina sheet using a cosmetic sponge and the snowflake stencil.
5. Using a free motion foot on your sewing machine, stitch the Angelia fiber to the card, and then attach  the embellishment over the Angelina.  Depending on what embellishment you choose, you may need to hand stitch or glue the embellishment.
6. You could consider the card done at this point but I like hiding the stitching and making the card sturdier as well by Mistyfusing the other half of the card stock to the inside of the card.  Lay a piece of Mistyfuse inside the card, it doesn't need to cover the entire card, and then place your other piece of card stock on top.  Iron the two pieces of paper together on the cotton setting.
Fold the card in half and don't forget to sign the back.
I always forget that part!!!
If you create a card please email me a picture!
I would love to see what you create!


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