The Forest Floor - Giveaway

The Printed Fabric Bee theme for February was the Forest Floor.
I've been playing with the idea of mushrooms for this project.
I drew a little mushroom forest for inspiration. . . 
 . . .and created a stamp from the drawing.
I also designed a mushroom stencil I planned to cut using my Silhouette Portrait electronic cutter and then WHAM! 
The Hard Drive on my Mac Crashed!
Fortunately I had most everything backed up.  
Sadly my mushroom stencil was not in those saved files.  
On to plan B: Using my stash of leaf stencils and my mushroom stamp.
I started with a piece of snow dyed fabric, 
because it's always a great base for surface design.
 I used Setacolor transparent blue paint for the leaves.  
I wanted to give a soft semi-transparent feel for the first layer of leaves.
 Next I mixed an orange brown from my Setacolors to stamp a few more leaves . . .
 . . .and mushrooms.
 And even with all this beauty I felt like something was missing.  
My forest floor needed a little magic: A Faery!  
I asked my daughter to draw a lovely faerie for me:
I reduced her size and simplified her for a stamp:
Because she needed to be magical, I stamped her in gold Lumiere from Jacquard.
Here is the six inch square I made for the giveaway (more like 7"):
 And the complete 9"x16" piece for Carol, with Faeries floating all over the place.  Some of the Faeries are more obvious than others. 
This months set of fabrics is another lovely collection.
So much beauty in this forest!
Visit Carol's post, or stop by The Printed Fabric Bee before March 15th and leave a comment for a chance to win this month's collection!


em's scrapbag said…
Your fabric turned out fabulous! I just LOVE IT!!!
Lisa said…
That is so cool! I LOVE the snow dyed fabric and your mushroom stamp is so cute! But the glittery fairy is awesome!
Lisa, the faery did it for me and I love the blue leaves!
Unknown said…
Wonderful snow dyed fabric and great use of layers.
Unknown said…
the little golden girl butterfly was a cute touch !

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