Dye Party 2015

 Every year we have a dye party with a quilt guild.  I was in charge of putting together the party this year and sharing my knowledge. We had 23 dye colors, sodium alginate, shaving cream, ice, ziplock bags, and lots of stamps to play with!
Everyone brings their own table, table cloth and containers to create with.
Andrea (on the left) has done this a few years and brought take out containers to dye in so that she could cover them up and take them home to continue processing.  Smart woman!  No wonder she is president of our guild. 
Not everyone comes to the party to dye.  Many come to stitch and visit and. . .

 . . .eat snacks.
 This year I decided to create a color chart.
I wrote the color names on a piece of soda ashed pfd and then painted on some dye.
 It was interesting to see how some of the colors have a tendency to break down as they spread.
There was a lot of beautiful shaving cream marbling going on.
This one was created by an 8 year old.
Very creative!
This 9 year old was pretty amazing too!
She was kind enough to let me take her picture while she was masked up for ice dyeing.
It seemed that everyone was trying out the Hot Black in their ice dyes.  It has a lot of lovely colors in it!  I'll post a photo of mine once it is dry.
My friend, Helen, was smart enough to bring a chalk spraying tool to try out with the dyes.  
Her 10 year old had a great time with it!
Gaylord was a first timer at our meeting and he had a fabulous time!
He wanted to marble some very large fabric.  We decided that he should try to marble using the top of his plastic covered card table.  We did not water down the base shaving cream at all.
 The results were quite amazing and it was fun to discover that no tray is needed!
My favorite 9 year old decided she didn't like gloves.
This was us about half way through the evening.
We should have photographed our hands again at the end of the night.  I know mine were much more colorful, and still were yesterday.  Most of the dye has washed off today. Need to try scrubbing under my nails again.  This is why I don't do professional manicures.
 Betty Jo, whose yard we use for these parties, has a large field out back that she rents out.  One year it was cows, another year goats and the last couple of years have been miniature horses.  This year there was a baby!!!
 It is so adorable!
I think I heard someone say it is only two weeks old.
Can we just stop and all say "awwwwwww."


Lynda said…
Oh, this looks like so much fun! If I were closer I would be there.
Oh my! You folks know how to throw a party :) That looks like such a delightful time. I look forward to seeing how the black came out.
Michele Bilyeu said…
So much fun! I would have loved this....kids, little horse, your friends, all of it!!!
Sherrie Spangler said…
This sounds like the perfect party! I wish my guild did this.
Unknown said…
Looks like everyone had a great time Lisa! Will we see results?

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