
Last night I received a phone call from a friend who wanted to purchase my 10x10" piece: 
Blow, blow, thou winter wind.
She is going to pick it up from the gallery today!!!
This is another piece I created in anticipation of my Printing on Fabric with a Gelli® Plate webinar coming up at the end of the month.

I have sold pieces of work through Etsy, mostly journal covers and bags, 
but this is the first piece I have ever sold at a gallery.  
I am doing the happy dance!

Sending you all lots of love for your support through the years.


Lynda said…
Absolutely awesome! So happy for you!
Alan said…
Dee Spillane said…
So glad you have a gallery presence and have sold your first gallery piece. I love your work and congratulations.
Awesome Lisa! The piece is beautiful!
Anonymous said…
Congratulations Lisa! Beautiful work!

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