The Printed Fabric Bee - Insects

Since this month's theme for The Printed Fabric Bee was Insects, I thought I should start the piece with lots of leaves and a little sun painting using Setacolor paints.  I placed plastic over the leaves as it was a windy day and everything inside cooked very nicely.
After creating a stencil or adorable lady bugs with my Silhouette, I painted them using black Setacolor transparent paint.
And lastly I used a Zig Fabricator Pen to add little white dots to all of the black lady bugs.  I don't know if there are really any ladybugs that look like this but I just enjoyed making them!
There are a lot of beautiful Insects in this months collection:
If you would like to win a collection of the twelve 6x6" pieces then leave a comment at either of the following blogs:

Thanks for following along!  
There will be an exciting announcement about The Printed Fabric Bee in the next couple of months, so stay tuned!


Harry Berry said…
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Lynda said…
Lisa, Great piece! I never thought about putting plastic wrap on fabric to keep masks from blowing off. I need to try that. Thanks.

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