A Sewing Legacy - Buttonholes, Hats and Knitting - Oh my!

What is a Sewing Legacy without the items created by it's maker?  Olive Smith was well known for her tailoring skills.  One of the most important parts to master in a well tailored suit are the bound buttonholes.  Here are a few of Mrs. Smith's samples:

They are all so perfect!

When I worked in a costume shop for a theater I made the mistake of calling the art of all hat making "Haberdashery."  I was quickly corrected and informed that Haberdashery was the art of making men's clothing, including hats, but that women's hats were made by Milliners. Who knew?! I don't know if most people realize how many talented people it takes to design and create costuming for a theater! But I suppose that is a post for another day.  Mrs. Smith was quite the Milliner!  She created these lovely hats for her daughter, Carolyn.

And if that isn't enough talent for one woman, she was also a very talented knitter and crocheter.

I'm thinking the only time her hands were still was when she was sleeping!
Tomorrow I will share with you one last post showing you her sewing machines, a few beautiful tools and some vintage patterns.


Lynda said…
Lisa, This woman must have never slept. Her hats are beautiful. I had no idea you worked in a costume shop!! Love these posts.

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