I have a dream of creating some larger carved stamps which look more like a carved linoleum or wood block, and after creating this photo of my cat using the Prisma app, I thought it was a great image to try out a more print looking stamp.

I really have no idea what I am doing and so I made a lot of random marks to lighten up the background on the left hand side. I wasn't happy with it. It looked too organized.

So. . .I took a deep breath and carved more away!

And after a few more little bits here and there I decided to call it good.

This is giving me courage to try more prints like this!

I really have no idea what I am doing and so I made a lot of random marks to lighten up the background on the left hand side. I wasn't happy with it. It looked too organized.

So. . .I took a deep breath and carved more away!

And after a few more little bits here and there I decided to call it good.

This is giving me courage to try more prints like this!