Craft Napa 2018

Earamichia Brown, Sandra Johnson, Judy Tucker, Frances Holladay, Michelle Benton, me and Libby Williamson
There are few things better than being with good people.
Good people combined with creativity is even better.
This is one of the main reasons I like attending Craft Napa.

Pokey Bolton and I
Deborah Massie Boschert and Johanna Felberbaum
Melly Testa and I with our drawings on the Graffiti Wall
Our Cheryl Sleboda shot.

Jamie Fingal and I relaxing
My goofy roommates, Michelle Tade Banton and Libby Williamson (minus Frances Holladay who hadn't arrived yet)

During the check in on opening night there were pieces of art were for sale to benefit the Friends for Life Animal Rescue. So many beautiful pieces!
 I purchased this wonderful piece made by Judy Coates Perez.

I took an Improve Wedge Curve class from Sherri Lynn Wood.

Unfortunately I felt sick through out the class and didn't get as much done as I would have liked, but I learned a LOT!  I also bought her book and hope to finish this quilt up this spring.

My first wedge is on the right.  I combined it with two other students wedges to see how they would look.

It was time to use my Aboriginal prints and I love how they look in the wedges.
 Here are a few of the other projects other students were working on.

 Each one was so beautiful!

Pokey put up a Graffiti Wall and
encouraged everyone to contribute their words of wisdom, and art to the project. 

Indigo Perez and I adding our marks.
Melly's hand and my fishy stamp.

One night while we were sitting around 
I was inspired by Libby's dollies so I carved a Lil' Libby stamp.

I asked my roommates, Frances, Libby and Michelle to add noses and mouths to her. 

Libby had the most beautiful set ups for her classes. 

Libby inspires me so much!

The Embassy Suites in Napa is beautiful.  
It is so relaxing in the inner sanctum (my name for it). 
This was the view from our room.

The ducks and swans are great models and I think they have had thousands of photos taken of them.

Until next time!


Lynda said…
Oh Lisa, Love that piecing and what fun! Love your Libby stamp. So much creativity! That's for sharing a window into Craft Napa. Sure wish I could go, but not the right time of the year!

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