Korea Bojagi Forum

". . . the Korea Bojagi Forum brings together scholars, artists and textile enthusiasts from around the world for an in-depth experience of Korean art and culture. The art of bojagi is one of Korea's greatest and most widely recognized craft traditions. . . . In traditional Korea, bojagi served functional purposes as wrapping and covering cloths. For many generations, women with no formal classroom training creatively repurposed precious fabric remnants into new objects that fulfilled a specific practical need. While functional, bojagi often display unparalleled artistry, and at the time when they were made, bojagi also embodied deep-felt spiritual and philosophical concepts in their choice of color and patchwork format. . . . With their abstract, two dimensional designs, bojagi are immediately accessible to modern viewers. Eyes attuned to contemporary art can easily appreciate the beauty, rhythm, and energy of bojagi's myriad compositions. . . .While makers continue ...