The Hand Stitched Surface Blog Hop

My friend, Lynn Krawczyk of Smudged Design Studio, wrote an awesome book this year.

I really admire Lynn's ability to let her art brain fly.
She gets a fabulous idea and she just goes for it!
I spend too much time telling myself why the idea won't work, but Lynn thinks up fabulous stuff and then writes a book about it. I want to be more like Lynn.

The Hand-Stitched Surface is all about creating great mixed media art with hand stitching. I've been doing a lot more hand stitching lately thanks to her book, and I have a tip for you: As I've quilted straight lines on my Thunderstruck quilt and the lines aren't always straight. They are straight-ish.
I suppose that is part of the charm of this style of quilting, however as I am finishing the quilt I discovered an easier way to make straighter, better spaced lines and I want to share this simple idea:
Fold the fabric over, and finger press (or iron) a line. 

You now have a straighter line to follow as you stitch!

One of my favorite parts of Lynn's book are the fun projects.
The first project that grabbed my eye was the Stamped and Stitched Book Ribbon. 

I don't have a spool but the ribbon I created hangs on my inspiration board.
My biggest advice for this project: Don't use paper from a hundred year old dictionary which is falling apart. Mistyfuse saved the day, as usual.
I fused the paper to hand dyed fabric and it is holding up very well now.

The next project I wanted to make was the Deconstructed Needle Book

As I was making the book another inspiration hit me.
This is how things are you know, work on one project, think of ten more.
Yet to be finished Needle book.
 I needed a couple of envelopes to put some cash in for the twins 21st birthday.
Art Brain told me to go for it and in true Lynn-style, I went for it!!!

Hopefully the girls will like the holders as much as they like the cash.

And hopefully your Art Brain is now feeling inspired.
If you would like to be motivated to create you can do two things:
1) Leave a comment here on the blog for a chance to win a copy of Lynn's book (winner will be drawn on July 15th), and 
2) Visit the other blogs each day for more inspiration and more chances to win a book.

Monday July 9 – Lisa Chin (me!)
Tuesday July 10 – Ana Sumner
Wednesday July 11 – Lyric Montgomery Kinard
Thursday July 12 – Libby Williamson
Friday July 13 – Allison Aller
Saturday July 14 – Lynn Krawczyk


Unknown said…
Beautiful ideas, and as you wrote, one does lead to another! Thanks for sharing!
Debbi said…
Thanks for sharing. Great way to give a money gift. If they don’t want them, I will gladly volunteer ��
Deb Clarke said…
I love your fused antique dictionary page. True inspiration. Off to plan some works like this... Thanks.
Jenny Williams said…
So happy to see that you also flit from project to project - sometimes you don't need to finish something to feel like you've learned something new. Just going through most of the steps is often enough.
I love the money envelopes, but I'm thinking of making them a little smaller to use as business card holders. That way I am advertising my handwork while I'm pulling out a card for someone.
Kelly Parker said…
Wow! Very cool projects!
Tracey G. said…
Have the book on my Amazon wish list but would love to get a free copy!
Terry said…
Lynn's book would be a terrific item to win! Thank you for sharing your I inspiration as well. I often thin if it weren't for the blog posts my brain would dry up!
Oh my gosh what beautiful work....Thank you for the a look at your tip. Have a beautiful day....I love hand stitching

Thank you

Unknown said…
Hi Lisa,

I didn't know you had a blog! Looks like a great book, not surprising. Thank you!

Mornin Lisa,
I really like this idea of hand-stitching a gift wallet.. My one and only granddaughternisngraduating early from Clemson in December.. This will be a perfect vessel for monies! Fun blog to read.. Susan Dunne-Lederhaas
Anna H said…
Love the idea of pressing a line to follow, will definitely give this a go.....thanks!
Unknown said…
PS I love the idea of a blog hop! New artists with tips of the trade inspire me.
jill said…
I like that you got more ideas by working through the projects in the book, makes it even more personal.
Unknown said…
This book has been on my Wish List. Love Lynn's fabric designs too! Thanks for the little project inspirations, and tip about forming a straightish line for hand quilting.
Claudia T. said…
Great idea to press a fold to stitch a straight line! I want to be more like Lynn too!
Unknown said…
Hi Lisa
I love the fun projects especially the ribbon on the spool and the envelopes. Such detail!
�� Belinda
Deb said…
I'm just getting back into handstitching that I learned from my lovely grandmother many years ago. I would love to win a copy of Lynn's book as it will help me add my own stitching to my art quilts and other works. Thanks for the opportunity.
Jeannie said…
I love the spool of ribbon and the gift "envelopes" are brilliant. It is funny, I think of you as being like Lynn, always thinking of new things and then acting on them. I do truly believe you have a book on stamp carving and creating that needs to be written, and I've always loved your "stamp" books. The combination of your stamp and the printed page is so visually pleasing. Go for it!!!
Quilter Beth said…
The spool ribbon is gorgeous, and I love your idea of making the money holder—what a nice gift. I LOVE hand stitching; it is my preferred method of working. It is portable (which is great for me since we travel so much) and meditative. I feel that when I hand stitch a piece I put a large part of myself into it. The many hours spent with piece, handling and working the fabric and thread, makes me feel “close” to the piece; I become attached. Is that crazy?
Unknown said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
I love handstitching and embroidery. I think it adds something that nothing else can, a very personal touch.
Both you and Lynn do wonderful work! And your "straight-ish" stitching is charming. Cheers!
Vivien Zepf said…
I used to do so much needlework, but haven't done much at all in the last decade. I really should find a way to get back to it.
Bea said…
So glad to have found your blog. I want to expand my hand stitching...
Sherri said…
Inspiring...thanks for the tip on how to stitch straighter!
Flying So High said…
Thanks for the tip on straight line stitching. I will definitely try this!
Unknown said…
Lynn’s books are always so informative and thanks for your tips which I found useful.
Sweet C said…
Love your colors and your stitching. Thanks for the tip about getting a straight line. Mine tend to wee-waw off course.
Midge said…
I want to start hand quilting so your tip to press in a line is very much appreciated! I am incapable of stitching a straight line on my own. So nice to discover your blog on this blog hop!
Tawney said…
Glad Lynn sent me here, love the stitching both of you do and your way of marking straight lines.
This looks like a great book! The last few years I've really moved away from the machine and over to hand stitching.
Sylvia said…
Looks like a fun technique! It has been a few years since I picked up my handquilting project. Thanks for the chance to win a copy of this book!
Relishing Life said…
I love the stitching tips you have shared here in your post. And Lynn's new book looks like it needs to belong in my library ;-) Thanks for the opportunity to win it!
NM_Creatrix said…
I Love the "straightish comment!
bybethstudio said…
I love hand stitching too. Very calming and portable. :)
Sherri said…
Your comments made so much sense. Everything flowed. I just want to pick up my hand stitching and go.
Andee said…
Happy to see such great ideas for hand stitching. Looking forward to all the blog hops this week. Thanks for the chance to win this great looking book.
Good tip - I'll definitely finger press a line to follow next time I pick up my WIP. :-)
Unknown said…
Love the hand pressing, ironing idea for straighter stitch lines! Started taking some small handwork to work (ssshhhhh!!!) And these projects are perfect!
AnneM said…
Lisa, you are an inspiration - and a very dear friend. I would love to win Lynn's book.
JudyV54quilts said…
Heading out on vacation soon and taking along some hand stitching is a great idea, something else to do on the plane....
Rachel Bates said…
Hand stitching is one of my favorite ways to add detail
Jody said…
Hand stitching is so relaxing. This book sounds like it is a good inspiration for trying new ideas. Thanks for your straight stitching tip as well!
Kathy said…
Great tip! And love the money holders. Perfect for going forward with giving money or gift cards and still adding that personal touch. Thanks.
susan noethen said…
On my list of all the things I'm going to do in my retirement. Which began 6/1/18!
Gill said…
Great ideas, I especially like the ribbon!
MJKasz said…
I love the money or gift card holder makes it a more personal gift.
mumbird3 said…
There is something so satifying in hand stitching (and so portable too!!!)
Stephanie said…
LOVE the fabric envelopes! are they in the book too? Just found your blog.
Unknown said…
Love your ideas and projects, especially the folding and old dictionary techniques. Thanks for sharing.
Would love to win Lyn's new book.
Susan Stitch said…
Cloth money holders for gifts? BRILLIANT! And I love your tip for straight-ish lines. So simple. Thanks for sharing
KZ said…
So many great ideas. Loved the simplicity of folding fabric to make lines.
I love hand quilting. Thank you so much for this "Why didn't I think of that" tip! Thanks for hopping too.
kay said…
Good tip! I recently started using a Hera marker for my straight line hand stitching, which is sort of the same effect. I like not having to remove marks after stitching. ��
suecraftsalot said…
This is a great tip! I love that straighter line idea without finding a ruler! The bags are adorable and much more personal than the paper card versions. Thank you!
vrgnamgnta said…
Nice how you didn’t finish. So real!
Michelle Banton said…
You, Lynn and everyone else on this blog hop all have the greatest ideas. You have the best art brains! Love the ideas. Love your work. Love you!
Lynne said…
Thanks for your beautiful post. I love the envelopes. I love Lynn's work.
Deborah said…
Nice work, Lisa!! My art brain is definitely inspired!
eily62 said…
I enjoyed your post and like the idea of a finger pressed line- as I cannot do straight lines!
Marty Mason said…
Your fold and finger press idea is a great of those "why didn't I think of that ideas" that I will remember and use. And, who wouldn't love your money envelope!
Unknown said…
What a great tip. Lynn’s book looks awesome and I can’t wait to read it.
Joan said…
Paper and fabric becoming one...who knew! Great inspiration
Jennifer said…
I love the idea of pressing the get a straight line. I will definitely try that. A needle book has been on my list for awhile, so thank you for the inspiration!
Angela said…
Your envelopes are super cute!
Unknown said…
Your gift wallets are too beautiful! And the idea of pressing
a straight line is great! Really an inspiration to get back to hand work!
Thank you for sharing!
Unknown said…
This speaks to the fun side of art. Really like the work
Gloria said…
Love the idea of the special envelope for a special gift. I think the girls will love them and the contents.

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