The Texas Art Asylum

Where do mixed media artists go in Houston?
Well, the Texas Art Asylum of course!
Libby is so excited!!!
The Texas Art Asylum is an amazing reuse center filled with all kinds of great stuff!
 So many beads!!!!

We didn't stick together long, as there was much to explore.
 I had this Barbie Fashion Face when I was a girl! 
I loved doing her hair and makeup. 
I didn't have a clue what I was doing but it was fun none the less.
 In front of where Libby is standing were drawers filled with architectural drawings.
I was very tempted by these.

We stayed long enough that I needed to visit the bathroom.
I was delighted to find this display awaiting me there!

They have two beautiful kitties to keep you company while you shop. 

 We all came out with a bag of wonderful treasures.

For me those treasures included some interesting keys, some metal sticks I want to use for Shibori, lots of zippers, a number of cross stitch kits for my daughter, aida cloth, and some magnetic alphabet letters for my grandson. Is that all? Maybe, I can't recall. 
I just know I didn't spend the most money there! *coughMichellecough*


Lynda said…
Wow! I want to go there!! Looks like a wonderful place for not just neat stuff but lots of inspiration.

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