100 Days of Trees - 30 to 38

Sometimes things look like other things and it cannot be helped.

I have a tendency of seeing things in things all the time. Car headlights and tail lights always look like eyes to me. I imagine the attitude of the car based on their "eyes", and other lines from the hood, grill and bumpers which complete the faces. Thus when I create drawings I often find unintentional things in them.

Days 30 has little ghost faces in the branches. Days 31 to 34 were pretty straight forward leaves, all carved from Eco Karve and then stamped in a pattern. Although that Ginko leaf (Day 31) seems to be a mummy face on one side.

Anytime I create a tree with multiple folds and holes I inevitably find creatures and faces. What do you see?

Day 30 to 38
I was having a jolly good time drawing and perhaps even improving in my drawings, when my daughter pointed out that Day 36 looked a bit phallic in nature. Well, once I saw it, I couldn't unsee it. Both are natural, right? Oh boy. I didn't want to post it, but after doing a very quick digital tree drawing I posted as the second photo in the series anyway. Let people see what they want to see! Ha!

The nuts in Day 37 were an unintentional follow up to day 36.

And finally Day 38 calmed down things down again with an attempt at some unknown tree.


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