100 Days of Trees - Problems and Solutions

I started my first 100 day project on April 2nd. The idea was to create 100 drawings of trees using ink. I wanted to improve my drawing skills with ink and I felt that trees, always a favorite of mine, would be a subject I could accomplish. 

Two of the kraft paper notebooks I purchased from Paperchase stationary store while in London.

I picked up a couple of kraft paper notebooks from a beautiful stationary store in London called Paperchase. I wanted to use the smaller one for this project because it had 100 sheets of paper. However, I quickly learned a number of important things.

Rectangular pages don't post well on Instagram, especially if all you want to post is the drawing.

 Also, I started out posting the drawings without a logo or name on them. This opened up the images to being easily used without my permission, and didn't give people the ability to find me if the images were posted elsewhere. 

I needed easy solutions. I was using my iPad to photograph the trees so I knew Procreate would be my go to program. I created a layer which contained the boarder, name of the project and my webpage.  I created another layer for the day of project. This layer could be easily erased and rewritten every day.

I went back to the first few days and added boarders for my blog post.
Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

However, this did not solve my rectangle problem.
That page fold just didn't look very professional.

Day 5

Day 6

After ordering a number of new notebooks from Paperchase, I got smart and drew a square on each page in my original little Paper Source notebook.
Day 7
 These square drawings paired with the frame in Procreate made a big difference!
Day 8, April 9, 2019
But sometimes I forgot to switch the day, or even add the day when I saved the photo.

Day 9, April 10, 2019

Day 10, April 11, 2019

Day 11, April 12, 2019

Day 12, April 13, 2019


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