Dye Party 2021

For many years my quilt guild, Quilter's Holladay, has had an annual Dye Party. It's been my pleasure to be in charge of the party for a few years now. Sadly, Covid kept us from partying last year, so we were even more excited to all be vaccinated and able to party again this year! There were 15 people participating in the dyeing, and another 5-8 people who came just to visit.

One of Betty Jo's beautiful trees in her amazing backyard.
I do love a good tree.
The sun was shining in to the branches in an amazing way.
The photo does not do it justice.

Jan painting on dye

Andrea showing off her spiral shirts

Ruth (left) checking out the ice and Patti headed to the dye table with her rubber banded dress

This is me enjoying being with people again.
Behind me you can see the field which is rented out for some miniature horses, and the tennis courts.

(L to R) Patti, Becky, Wendy's back, Mitzi and Barbara

Shaving cream marbling

Helen creating some yumminess

And here are a few of the fabrics rinsed and washed a couple of days later:

Annette's gradation fabrics

Barbara's ice dyed fabrics

Barbara's parfait dyed fabrics

Darcia's fabrics

Helen's overdyed shirt, and dyed clothesline for basket making.

Patti in her gorgeous over-dyed linen dress

Patti's dyed fabrics

Ruth H's Shibori

Ruth H's Shibori

Mitzi's Linen Bags

Mitzi's Ice Dyes

Mitzi's Parfait


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