Botanical Leaf Printing

These handsome birds joined me at the local cemetery while I searched for leaves to use in Roxanne Vigos' Botanical Leaf Printing Class on October 12 & 26.

Our first experiments were arranged on long stips of cotton fabric.

 The fabric had been dipped in a mordant of iron solution, or alum, then rolled up on wooden chop sticks and tied tightly.

One of my leaf "corn dogs"

The bundles were then steamed for about an hour.
Steamed "corn dog"

The color changes always amaze me.

We also created some leaf printed pages of paper.

Both pieces started with an alum soak and an hour of steaming.
Small strip on left was dipped in a quick iron bath after steaming.

During the second session pieces were printed on silk.

Page from our USDG newsletter


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