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House Bill 60 in Utah allows adults 62 and over to audit any public university/college courses for just $25 a semester. The law was passed in 1977, and as a youngster of 22 working at the University of Utah, I remember hearing about the benefit for seniors and felt very excited to get older. Here we are, 40 years later and I've finally reached the ripe ol' age of 62. I signed up for my first class in Relief Printmaking. I am enjoying this class immensely. The professor, Justin Diggle , is a talented printmaker, and all of the students in class are wonderful artists. I'm humbled by their enthusiasm and skills. I didn't realize what I was missing out on by being at home working on my art. The class is teaching me new skills, and challenging me to grow as well. I look forward to more classes in the future. Some of the mark making work from the class My mark making/printing on top. Fish - experiments in mark making and printing So far we have worked on mark making, and c...