Kaleidoscope Blog Hop & Giveaway

I was thrilled to be asked by Artistcellar to participate in  a blog hop promoting Cecilia Swatton's new line of Kaleidoscope Stencils.  
And I know you all do too, so someone is going to win a set of their own.  
More details on that below.  
Mister loves stencils too.
Well honestly he loves anything he can get his paws into!
He is such a good model.
I started out playing with the stencils in my sketchbook.
I tried a little painting, a little doodling, all
just to see what kind of project I wanted to use them in.

I just noticed a funny little white seal with fangs and a party hat there on the bottom right of the doodle above! OH, or maybe it is a seagull with a bow tie and party hat?  What do you think?

Anyway, I decided that one of the projects I wanted to make was a birthday card for my sister-in-law.  I took a piece of sketchbook paper which I had added color to with my brayer while monoprinting.  I glued on a couple pieces of deli paper circles and then stenciled a single Sunflower from the Kaleidoscope stencil series.  I finished it off by drawing on the top with a white gel pen.
The paper wasn't as thick as I would have liked for a card so I decided I would add another brayered piece to the inside (the pink on the left is for the inside).  To create a strong bond between the papers I ironed a piece of Mistyfuse to the inside of the top piece - see the shininess?  That is the Mistyfuse already ironed on to the fabric.  Lastly I ironed the two pieces of paper together.
Easy peasy.
The two pieces of paper gave me a strong, 
beautiful card for a beautiful woman!

I tried the stencil's out on fabric too.
I was having such a great time monoprinting with my Gelli Plate that I neglected taking photos of the process!  I ended up with four lovely pieces and decided to quilt the Lily piece and then mounted it around an 8"x10" canvas.
I really, really like this!

I'm so thankful for the opportunity to play and share with you!
Artistcellar has generously donated a set of these lovely stencils to be given away to one of my readers!  Please leave a comment before the witching hour on October 31st, if you would like to be entered for a chance to win a set of stencils.  I will announce a winner on November 1st.

Now, off with you!  
Leave a comment, and then go visit the other blogs participating in the blog hop!

October 25th - Lisa Cousineau, Artistcellar www.artistcellar.com/wp
October 26th - Effy Wild - http://effywild.com/
October 28th - Cheryl Sleboda - http://blog.muppin.com
October 29th - Paula Phillips - http://www.journalartista.com/
October 30th - Cindy Powell - http://cynthiapowell.blogspot.com/
October 31st - Cecilia Swatton - http://ceciliaswatton.blogspot.com


I really love these stencils.. and your black cat is a cutie!! Just posing like.. well.. the stencils were part of his room decor.. bc the post is about him! Also loved how you did beautiful layers on the pillow.. that was indeed awesome! Hope they enjoy the card.. :) Have a great week!
Debbie said…
Love how you used these stencils, overlaying the colors, Lisa. I'd love to have a set of these beautiful stencils!
Jackie PN said…
Gorgeous page that you created with these stencils,Lisa! Your colors give it the WoW factor!
Jean said…
SUch fun stencils. I love the card. Thanks for the inspiration!
Those are so beautiful, the colors and the stencils are great!
Unknown said…
Love your card! Love your site! Will visit often
Cecilia said…
I love your quilted lily piece too! Thanks for showing off my Kaleidoscope series to such lovely advantage!
Cecilia said…
PS - I love your cat Mister too!
Sylvia said…
I love the birthday card! Thanks for the chance to win!
Unknown said…
Love the one you did on the fabric. that would make a beautiful pillow also. Those stencils are so yummy looking. Thank you for sharing your wonderful ideas with us.
Jazz said…
I love what you did with those stencils! Thanks for the chance to participate in the draw.
TangledBlueRose said…
Love your project! These stencils look amazing and fun! So versatile. Thank you so much for playing and a chance to win!~kim
Ros said…
so pretty thanks for the chance of winning
em's scrapbag said…
I think it's a seal. Love the card and the piece with the quilting. Looks like lots of fun!
I am really liking the different looks of these great stencils.What a great joy to use them.
gypsyartgirl said…
Love the use of the stencils and the bright colors.
I am in awe of all that is possible with this one set of stencils! I adore all that you did with them! Fabulously fun and colorful!
Lori Wostl said…
I love your card and the colors overall are great.
Kathy E. said…
You are so creative! I've used stencils before, but never on fabric. What an eye opener for me! Love these stencils, in particular.
SewHappy.Me said…
I love the fabric that you stencilled. It looks just like a batik fabric. Love the stencils and it has inspired me to try out stencilling my own fabrics. It would look great with some hand quilting into the design too.
Have Myelin? said…
Beautiful! Loved the misty fuse tip.
johnnyp said…
very nice these could be so fun and unique
johnnyp said…
very nice these could be so fun and unique
Unknown said…
Absolutely love the colors in your final piece!
Diane Beavers said…
2015 goal is to teach myself something new such as fabric painting and stenciling. This would be a perfect start and life love I can tell. Thank you for sharing.
Amy M said…
Love the bright colors, and the creativity. Thanks for sharing.
SUPRFOXdesigns said…
Love how you have used the stencil, that card is gorgeous and I love your canvas.
carol said…
I am loving these stencils! Love the colors you have worked with too!
Sarah said…
Beautiful stencils! Thanks for sharing. sarah@forrussia.org
Karen Cameron said…
Would LOVE to try these stencils on my handmade paper!
Unknown said…
I love to see new ways to use stencils, thank you!
carol said…
wow great colors and ideas!
Brittany said…
Those are so cool! Layering different colors of fabric paint would make a really neat effect.
Lissa said…
Pure creativity!! Lissag122@verizon.net
Bethany Garner said…
So much fun and the COLOUR... absolutely a wonderful job on the framed piece...just a perfect ending to a hugely wonderful play day! Thanks for sharing... and stencils too!
Lynda said…
Lisa, Love your card but the fabric piece is awesome! These are beautiful stencils. Love, love, love them!
Unknown said…
I really really love your lily quilt. It is gorgeous. I can't wait to play with these stencils.
Gill said…
I love what you've done with your stencils, especially the lily quilt!
JazzyJane said…
Love the looks you got with these new stencils. Thanks for all the inspirational ideas.
Thread Born said…
Love your results, Lisa! Put my name in for those stencils :)-Julie
auschick said…
I would like to do some fabric dying. These would be awesome for it!
Barbara said…
This is beyond beautiful. I love your colors
Pavla said…
This stencil set is absolutely gorgeous!
Laura Leeder said…
These stencils look like great fun and your painting and card turned out beautifully!
mumbird3 said…
Those are really cool stencils! mumbird3atgmail.com
Cocofolies said…
Love how you have used these stencils to create gorgeous backgrounds and cards. These stencils look extraordinary! Coco (from France) x
Dee Spillane said…
Love these stencils and what you have done with them. The card is so pretty and I love the quilted piece. Always enjoy and look forward to your posts.
smokeysmom said…
Beautiful card but your canvas flower is my favorite:) Hey, I didn't know you could use Misty Fuse on paper?! Outstanding-thanks for the inspiration. I'd love to win these fabulous stencils:)
APG Jamie said…
the colors you used are wonderful and it's such a great set stencils of which YES I would love to win.

Melody said…
I like the colors you picked.
Jo Murray said…
Clever! Love the colours...and those stencils are to die for.
Julia said…
Wow! Lots of possibilities with this stencil set. Your card is awesome, I am sure your sister in law is going to love it, fab canvas and great art journal pages
Anonymous said…
Those are STUNNING! My fingers are crossed that I win a set, I want to play, too!
OracleGaia said…
I think that looks like an owl's head in the bottom right! I LOVE AC stencils, I really wish they were easily available where I live. Ty so much for the chance to win these gorgeous new ones.
Unknown said…
The stencils are fabulous...thanks.

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