Home Machine Quilt Show - HMQS - Part 1

 This weekend was the Home Machine Quilt Show in Sandy, Utah.  Practically my backyard.  I entered a quilt in the show:  SWR - "Sylvia Was Right"  I started the quilt while at the Pie Plates Retreat. The blue was created using Color Magnet with a thermofax screen and turquoise dye.  The purples are the leftovers from an ice dyed pieced that I then over printed with a thermofax screen of onion skin cells and human brain cells for the Science challenge of The Printed Fabric Bee. When I started to piece I planned on using the two pieces of fabric I had dyed along with white for an accent. My friend, Sylvia, decided to give me a challenge by throwing some scraps of peach at me.  I complained like a big baby and told her I didn't want to use.  I used it, and she was right, thus the name SWR.

I'm sorry this photo is a bit blurry but it gives you an idea of the wonky, free form piecing I used to create this piece.  
I didn't win a ribbon. I was docked for not having perfect 90 degree corners on my binding.  Oops!  There were also a few places where I made some squares in the quilting and the thread didn't stay where it was suppose to!  Big oops!  Oh well, I really didn't feel bad at all once I saw one of the big prize winners was my friend, and former boss, Carol Day.

 Carol spent SEVEN YEARS appliquéing the top of this quilt!  Her friend, Gaye Ryon, a master machine quilter, quilted the top.  Together they created a masterpiece well deserving of first prize in the Combination Category!


Sylvia said…
90 degree corners on your binding? take it with a grain of salt. I thought you were going to do a faced binding. Is that Betty Jo with Carol? It is a beautiful piece of work.
Linda said…
Beautiful! :)
AnneM said…
Not only are your corners not 90 degrees, your sides are not straight! Ha ha
Beautiful piece, Lisa.
Lynda said…
Bah humbug - 90 degrees. It's beautiful! And 7 years? She should get more than a ribbon!
Lisa said…
I love SWR!!!!

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