HMQS - Part 2

I really enjoyed the special exhibits on display at HMQS this year.  My friend, Kaye Evans, teaches a Kaffe Club class every year and they exhibited their quilts.  This year the class focused on Dresden plates.  Cheryl and Ron Garn pieced this stunning oversized king sized quilt

 Another stunning exhibit was from a group called "Quilts on the Wall."  The art quilts are all painted and explore the theme of Shadows.

 The only thing I didn't like about the exhibit was that it didn't have the artists names next to each quilt.  I found this quilt especially striking.  I think that perhaps it was done with some discharging.  I'd love to know how it was created and by whom!

There is a very active group of art quilters in Utah County which also had a lovely exhibit.  A number of the members belong to the Utah Surface Design Group, of which I am a member.  I recognized a number of my friends pieces:
 Kathleen Baer
 Bev Hart
 Bev Hart
 Sue Swinyard - Zentangles!!!
 "I Looked out the Attic Window" by Cathy Paine, Liza Ann Lee, Lani Moore, Sue Swinyard and Kathleen Baer.

I was thrilled to see the APP exhibit which has several 36" square quilts from artist's I am very familiar with.
 Jamie Fingal
 Leslie Tucker Jamison
 Laura Wasilowski 
 Patt Blair
 Susan Brubaker Knapp 
 Victoria Wolfe
Mary Taber


Lynda said…
Oh Lisa, I love those art quilts. I especially like Bev Hart's indigo one and Patt Blair's paint cans. Thanks for sharing.
Lisa said…
What a great show!!! thanks for the photos!

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