Hoping for a Fruitful Tomorrow
I finally have all the tomatoes planted.
I'm trying out a new spot on the side of the house.
My neighbor had a large pile of soil left over from her water fountain project and so my husband, daughter and I shoveled up wheel barrow after wheel barrow after wheel barrow of soil and dumped it over to the side of the house. I didn't add compost or fertilizer so I'm hoping there is plenty of nutrients already in the soil. Keep your fingers crossed.
I am also experimenting with a few plants in pots with a drip line installed in each to see how they grow.
Not that I don't have other gardening faults
I prefer to hide indoors when the temperature gets over 90 or under 45.
Eight tomato plants are in the ground: One heirloom Giant Belgium, four Bart's Best (developed by a local Master Gardener), either a sun gold or yellow pear (I can't recall which it was), and two surprises because I lost the labels. :)
Two Sweet 100's are in pots.
I have two more Sweet 100 plants but I'm not sure where they can go - perhaps you may have a home for them? I'm trying some basil and parsley in pots with the drip lines as well.
These are closer to the house.
Perhaps then I can remember to use them when I am cooking. And on the other side of the house, where I've always planted everything in the past I have zucchini and cucumbers with black plastic to keep out the weeds.
Mowed grass clippings are dumped in the middle to keep the weeds down (except for the mint I have allowed to grow wild), and on the right I planted peas, spinach, lettuce and a menagerie of weeds just so I have something to beat myself up about.
The peas have not been doing well.
Remind me not to plant peas again next year.
The success rate has not been worth the water these past few years. The Roses on the other hand have always been worth the water.
"There is simply the rose; it is perfect in every moment of its existence."
--Ralph Waldo Emerson