A Lost Tradition

There is a certain art to pictures taken in a photo booth.
A person enters a small booth, adjusts the stool for their height, deposits their quarters then puts on their best smile and waits for the flash hoping to capture how beautiful they are.
They are usually in focus, centered and capture a moment in time. And sometimes that flash catches you when you are blinking or looking the other way.It was a great way to take a family portrait as in the above photo of my mother and grandmother, or below in the photo of my mother and her brother.
They were always a quick and easy way of remembering your bestest friends, or making a photo to give to a beau. Or to just remember a fun time you had at the mall.

Times have changed and photos are taken anytime, anywhere.
If you have a group of 10 people,
chances are you will have 9 or more cameras
whether the camera is in their phone or an actual camera.
And although photo booths still exsist the photo booth tradition has been lost in our family.
Maybe I can stick my children into a closet and snap their photo.
Do you think it will have the same effect?


marie said…
I have a few pictures of myself and other people in these silly phopt booths. We always had so much fun in them, making silly faces , bunny ears behind someones head or kissing! I have been lucky enough to find one or two at movie theatres and now I make my kids go in them. I guess they don't think they are as much fun as I did because their photos come out nice not silly. Maybe it was the peeps I hung out with.
Anneliese said…
I love photo booth pictures as well. I just love the quaint, fun, easy and inexpensive way to capture the moment. I loved your pictures.

(Also, your centering and spacing look great!)
Anonymous said…
What great photos!! Those were the days, I used to love the photo booth!! Do they still exist anywhere? How great that you have all of those snaps still - great memories =]
Elle said…
What a great post!! I say you should stick them in the closet! haha... I would love to see that picture!

PS Barbra looks just like her beautiful mother!!!!!

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