Take Me Out to the Ballgame

Any seat in the house is a good seat - even if there is a pole in your face. It's great because you are there experiencing the organ music, the roar of the crowd, the crack of the bat and the umpire as he yells " steeeeerike !" against the visiting team! Mom liked to take us to the ballgames from a very early age. These photos are from when I was just 5 years old. My sistah would have been 3. I don't have pictures to prove that sistah and I were actually there on this day, but somehow I think we were. I love looking across the field over to Waveland Avenue and seeing the ballpark as it was so long ago. This is twenty years before lights were installed. People in this crowd would have told you were crazy and booted you out of the ballpark if you were to suggest that Wrigley Field would EVER have night games with big ugly lights. But times change and now there are big ugly lights but the same great baseball. When I think of Wrigley Field this is the ballpark I rem...