Gail Carson Levine

We went to The King's English bookstore this evening and had an enlightening experience listening to and meeting the author Gail Carson Levine. I am thankful for Facebook because without it today I wouldn't have known that one of my daughter's favorite authors would be less than 5 miles from our home. Gail Carson Levine has written delightful books such as Ella Enchanted , Ever , Fairest and 15 other books. Em was nervous about meeting such a famous author as you can see in this photo. Em was so nervous that she didn't say a word to Mrs. Levine while she was signing the books. But Mrs. Levine was gracious enough to take a wonderful photo with Em after signing all four of the books we had brought. She did this for every person who came through. (Of course there were only 1/10th the amount of people at the book signing than there were when I went to have Ree Drummond sign The Pioneer Woman Cookbook last year). She is a tiny ...