
Showing posts from October, 2011


I have been bursting for months to share a secret with you all. . . I have finally been published. I am doing the happy dance today! And because Interweave was nice enough to send me an extra copy of the magazine I am going to make someone else do the happy dance by giving it to one of my readers.  Please leave a comment on this post telling me about your favorite way to go green and you will be entered to win a copy of Quilt Scene.   The drawing will close at midnight (mst) on Friday, November 4, 2011,.

You are not "just" anything

Please click here because  I wanted to share this post with you from designer Bari J.   She gives a great message about being more than "just a mom," or "just a wife."

Think Pink

Here are the lovely ladies in their tie-dyed t-shirts.

Group Dyeing

My daughter's volleyball team came by this evening to dye some shirts for their Breast Cancer Awareness Game.   They were excited to get started and almost put bare hands in the soda ash. We were able to quickly save them with some vinyl gloves. Everyone seemed to have a great time. It's amazing how calm it all seems in these pictures. Some went fancy with lots of rubber bands while others went more "plain." A big thumbs up for a job well done. I can't wait to see how they all turn out!

More Journal Quilts

I've been playing catch up on my Journal quilts. Here is  #3:  Rejoice is a background of a few random fabric paints, covered by my Sharpie marker drawing of a tree branch, singing bird and word.  The bird is painted onto of the background with acrylic inks.  I quilted around the marker lines and then decided it needed a few more leaves quilted into the background.   #4:  Swirls and Circles   is fabric painted using stencils and Setacolor paints that I used to practice some new free motion quilting designs I learned from this great website .   #5:  Flower Man is made up of pieces left over from the  Journal cover  I blogged about earlier in the week.  I liked the odd shape it took and so I decided not to square it up.  Once finished I thought it looked like a fat flower man. #6:  Feathering My Nest is made from a couple of recycled (upcycled?) Shout Color Catchers  I had thrown in the wash with the fabric I ice ...

More Quiltfest

One of my lunch bag students whose name is Delight allowed me to take a few photos with her camera and now that I have copies I thought I would share them here:  We had an enormous classroom which allowed everyone to spread out.  I like how after your generosity I neglected to get a photo of the camera owner.  However I suppose if it were me I would have avoided the camera as well.   Thanks for your help Delight!

Sewing Wild

I bought this book by Alisa Burke  because I've been admiring her style on her blog . I love that it has a DVD with it where she shows everything she talks about in the book.  I've had some fun playing and ended up making this journal from a piece I made based on Alisa's techniques. I used my phone camera so that I could quickly send a photo to someone and then I forgot to take a good photo with the good camera because I let one of the girls take the journal to school! And here is one more piece inspired by Alisa: