The Kindness Chronicles
This months Kindness Chronicles post is dedicated to an act of kindness I witnessed performed by my teenage daughter, Em.
I drove to the high school to pick her up from volleyball practice and found her sitting out front watching a bunch of her peers. She had a very serious look on her face. She was very concerned about something going on and meant business.
She then proceeded to tell me "the rest of the story."
As she was leaving volleyball she ran into a girl in tears.
The girl had lost her "baby" (a doll in a baby carrier that the school gives to kids to care for when they take a certain health class). Em told her she had seen something in the gym and went with her to look for it. It was gone. Em knew that there were some boys who had been near the baby and continued to search on her way out to the front of the school. The girl found her baby and went out front to wait for her ride. The boys then proceeded to tease the girl about losing her baby and said something to the "baby" about it having an ugly mother. It was at this point that the girl's ride and I pulled up to the front of the school. Em was watching the girl get into her car as she got into our car. Em had to make a final stand and so she yelled to make sure this girl knew that at least one person in the world was behind her.
Martha Ginn