Happy Easter

One of my family's traditions is to make a lamb shaped pound cake for Easter. There was a time when we bought these cakes from the local bakery but then one year Grandma bought a mold and a new tradition was born! When my first child was born I inherited the mold and began a quest for the perfect Lamb Cake. The pound cake recipe I had never quite worked - either too dry or didn't rise enough or fell apart. Always something! I have tried umpteen different recipes but every year I have had a different problem. NOT THIS YEAR! This year the only thing we have had to deal with is UGLY. I can deal with ugly! This years cake is moist, it stayed upright and tastes absolutely delicious! I also found a fabulous frosting recipe - not too heavy, not too sweet. Just YUM. I've posted the recipes for the cake and frosting over on The Lewis Family Recipe Club blog.