
Showing posts from March, 2013

Happy Easter

One of my family's traditions is to make a lamb shaped pound cake for Easter. There was a time when we bought these cakes from the local bakery but then one year Grandma bought a mold and a new tradition was born! When my first child was born I inherited the mold and began a quest for the perfect Lamb Cake.  The pound cake recipe I had never quite worked - either too dry or didn't rise enough or fell apart.  Always something!  I have tried umpteen different recipes but every year I have had a different problem. NOT THIS YEAR! This year the only thing we have had to deal with is UGLY. I can deal with ugly! This years cake is moist, it stayed upright and tastes absolutely delicious! I also found a fabulous frosting recipe - not too heavy, not too sweet.  Just YUM. I've posted the recipes for the cake and frosting over on The Lewis Family Recipe Club blog.

People & Portraits Book Review

Look what came in my mailbox yesterday! I've been busy with a visual feast ever since. Martha Sielman's  Art Quilt Portfolio: People & Portraits: Profiles of Major Artists, Galleries of Inspiring Works is a collection of beautiful art quilts depicting, what else, people and portraits! The collection of quilts in this book is just amazing.  You will be able to spend hundreds of hours studying the details in each and every quilt.  The only thing better would be to have each quilt in your hot little hands.   Each designer creates their pieces in a unique way.  Some by using "traditional" piecing,  appliquĆ©  as well as whole cloth paintings and some very unusual methods such as the portraits created by Mary Pal with cheesecloth!  Yes, you read that right - CHEESECLOTH.  Visit the link, you WILL be amazed! Once you get through the eye candy there is a lot of information to read and explore as well.  Martha prov...

Taking Classes

I LOVE learning new skills and techniques. When I read on Facebook or a blog about a retreat or conference I will wish I lived in that area so I could attend without the added expense of flying and a hotel and meals out, not to mention the time away from the kids and hubby.  So until I have endless funds and time I have been learning via the internet.   There are so many wonderful classes available without the need to leave my home. I have really come to like the classes that Craftsy has to offer! I don't always complete the project along with the class but I love to watch and learn!   I've taken Annette Kennedy's Painted Pictorial Quilts Class.   Very interesting and she is so good about answering your questions! I've also taken Ann Peterson's Beyond Basic Machine Quilting.   Great tips and ideas to apply to my free motion quilting. Right now I'm in the middle of watching Jane Dunnewold's The Art of Cloth Dyeing.   I've dyed ...

Marie Antoinette

They are finished at last! As soon as I heard about Kick Off Your Heels , a fundraiser for  The Barbra Streisand Womenā€™s Heart Center at  Cedars-Sinai Hospital  in Los Angeles, California, I knew I wanted to participate.  Not only because this center treats and educates women, and does major research for heart disease with women exclusively, but because I personally have a bum ticker. You could say this is a fundraiser that is near and dear to my heart! While in my 40's my doctors discovered that I was having mini-strokes because of a hole in my heart.  Thanks to modern advancements I didn't have to have my chest cracked open.  The doctor was able to insert a titanium umbrella into a one inch incision in an artery in my leg and I was up and walking within a couple hours.   Easiest surgery I've ever had! (and I've had plenty!) Thank you for modern research!  I had an idea for the shoes but wasn't sure how to pull it off. ...


Recently Blurb gave me an opportunity to make one of their books with some new design templates before they were available to the general public.  I jumped at the chance because I love Blurb books!  I decided it was time to get started on Christmas gifts and make one of the books I've been thinking about for a long time.  Now that this gorgeous book has arrived and is in my hot little hands,  I can't share it with you because it's a Christmas gift!  Sorry about the tease, but my friend Sylvia also made a book and let me share the cover from her book.  Isn't it adorable! I had to blog about the book because I didn't want you to miss this great 20% off coupon  Blurb is now offering on these new Designer Book Templates. Now you can make a gift for that difficult to buy for person, including yourself! Click on any of the links and enter the code to get your discount. Oh maybe it's time to make a book of my trip to Moab last weekend! ...

Sunday Inspiration

I have two exchange students from Germany staying with my family for two weeks so we took advantage and headed down to Moab for the weekend.  I have really enjoyed seeing the park again through their eyes.  Here are just a few photos of the beauty to inspire you this lovely Sunday: The hike to Delicate Arch is very difficult, especially when you are overweight and out of shape, but I'm glad to say I'm lighter than I was 6 months ago and in better shape, making this trek possible! It was a great accomplishment!


Snowbird is a beautiful place! My friend Ruth has a time share at Snowbird and invites the guild members up every year for a sew day.  I almost didn't make it this year but managed to go up for an hour of fun with friends. Ruth brought out this beautiful piece she has been working on. I LOVE this piece!  These are the great ladies I have learned so much from. I am always in awe of the talent that surrounds me.

Modern Sewing Projects

I received a fun book in the mail yesterday: There are lots of great projects in this book: Fabric Bottle Bud Vase by Lucie Summers Marbles Table Runner by Brigitte Heitland Black & White Place Mats by Alissa Haight Carlton Patchwork Cube Slipcover by Kevin Kosbab Cable Clutter Cleanup Bags by Kathy York Color Swatch Wall Hanging by Sheryl Schleicher Fabric Birds by Terry Grant Rubik's Crush by Ashley Newcomb Reusable Produce Bags by Lisa Chin Travel Lingerie Bag by Blair Stocker Alphabet Baby Quilt by Erin Gilday Yoga Mat Carrier by Vivika Hansen DeNegre Plastic Bag Dispenser by Ayumi Takahashi Cell Phone Case by Mary Claire Goodwin Sweet & Simple Key Fob by Corinnea Martindale Patchwork Fabric Cuffs by Lucie Summers OH, wait, did you see that?   Reusable Produce Bags by Lisa Chin!   My first published pattern has been reprinted!   When a project is published on the front of a magazine/book we call the author a "Cover Girl" s...

Super Spring Retreat

Finally getting the few photos I took at the Pie Plates Super Spring Retreat  up.  As usual, I had a wonderful time!  We met together in the newly renovated Fountain Green Dance Hall.  A large space with plenty of room to stretch out and sew. The quilt in this photo is from Bonnie's Choo Choo Train pattern.  And this Log Cabin variation is from my friend Sylvia , who will soon have this pattern up in her Craftsy Shop.  This is Alice and her little guy, who kept us entertained throughout the retreat.  Krisanne , another one of the wonderful teachers, was putting together a beautiful new scrappy pattern. I spent most of my free time figuring out this little puzzle:  I'm pleased with how it turned out! This year the teachers all stayed with Karla, a very talented quilter who lives in Fountain Green.  Her new studio is fabulous!!!  Lots of great lighting and space to stretch out and sew. S...

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!

Congratulations Gayle!   You are the winner of my Snow Dye Giveaway! Email me your address and I will get the piece mailed out to you as soon as possible.   Gayle  said... I hate to say it, but I can see a squashed frog in there! LOL I dye lots of wool fabric for my hooked rugs, but this piece of cotton you've done is so, so pretty!