Dyed Beauties

 Here are the finished pieces from the annual 
Quilter's Holladay Dye Party this week. . .
 I mixed some complimentary colors in my ice dye parfait 
so I did get some browns 
but I also ended up with some really nice color combinations!  
The top of the parfait:
The middle piece:
And the bottom that got a bit more muddy:
But still lots of cool sparkles and shapes.

I also decided to try ice dyeing over a 
black and white polka dot commercial print.  
I really like the results.
Half yard piece:
A close up of the texture:
And then two similar pieces and their close ups:

I overdyed these next two in ziplock baggies:

I brought a few pieces of dyed fabrics to do some thermofax screening on but once they had been soaked in the soda ash and laid out to dry - they didn't dry!  How is it possible to have too much humidity in UTAH?!?  I live in the high mountain desert!  I guess I should have laid them over the fence instead of on the grass.  Anyway I didn't realize the piece wasn't completely dry until I started printing and the images weren't turning out very crisp.  I decided to throw the piece in a ziplock baggie and throw more dye on top.
Who knew I would like it even more!
Perhaps a little more printing???

Not sure what I will make with all of these yet, 
but I hope to find a fun project in the near future!
Tomorrow I will show you my photos of the seven ponies 
that live in the yard
behind where we had the dye party.


Love your results especially those fun polka dot pieces!
Nina Marie said…
I really do need to go through my stash and do some overdyeing - it really gives the fabric a second life!
Judy Warner said…
Love that ice dyeing! I will remember the effect on commercial prints. Thanks for sharing.
Lynda said…
Great Results! Beautiful!
Quilter Beth said…
I love the results from ice dyeing, snow dyeing, and parfait dyeing. I LIKE the browns in your pieces.
Oooh I love the over dyes - I have to try that!!!
Regina B Dunn said…
I think the browns are good! I like working with complimentary colors.
Unknown said…
I love parfait dyeing, you never know what you'll get!

Is it possible your pieces didn't dry because you were using a humectant?

Have you heard about Pokey's postcard fund-raiser for Friends For Life? It could be a good way to use up your beautiful fabrics!
MulticoloredPieces said…
Lovely results. I especially like the polka dots.
best, nadia
Unknown said…
Beautiful colors. Have to give it a try, when I see this!

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