Utah Surface Design Group

It's been a week of creative meetings!
The Utah Surface Design Group held their annual summer party this week.
We were greeted by these lovely paper flowers. . .
. . .all in a long row.
The fences were also decorated with pieces of surface designed fabric, 
some commercial, some home made.
When the skies threatened to rain upon us the flowers were brought inside.
I love them all together!
 We had about 35 people come to the pot luck/show & tell.

 The food was generous and delicious!
I was enjoying show & tell so much that I neglected to pull out my camera right away so I have fewer photos than I should.  I'm not sure if you will think that is a good thing or a bad thing.
This appliqué quilt was her FIRST quilt!
She said it took 7 years to finish.
It is hand quilted.
 Hand painted Lavender lady.  
Her face is polymer clay and 
she is filled with lavender flowers.  
She smelled divine.
 Sally, who had opened her home to us, 
shared a couple of journals she created in a book making class.

 She created the paper first then made it into a journal.
Chris discharged black velvet to create this lovely jacket.  
If it looks familiar it is because it was on display in Houston a number of years ago.

Bev spent a day dyeing and created some fabulous shibori.
 These two were my favorite but she had about 10 more pieces that were fabulous.
Sally's studio was open to all during the party so I thought I would bring you along for the tour.
It is a wonderfully open space.

 Everything was perfectly organized.

 This is the lovely wall behind where I stood to take the first shots.
I had to get a shot of the yarns for my friend Sylvia.
These lovely pieces were out on one of the tables.  
They are pieces that Sally and Mimi created during Anne's recent Batik class.
Great color in my book!
Have you had a summer of creativity?
Leave me a comment about what you've been doing this summer.


Susan Lenz said…
Wow! I don't think I could get 35 fiber people together if a gun were held to my head! LOL! This post is amazing and wonderful! Thanks so much for sharing!

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