Dyeing with Friends

It's that time of year!
Time for the annual Quilter's Holladay quilt guild dye party.  
Always a lot of fun!
Anne (in yellow) always does a great job of teaching at our dye parties.
 She had everyone's undivided attention.

As I looked around I realized there were lots of familiar faces but we also have a lot of new members this year.  I love that we were able to share our passion with new people.
Anne asked me to demonstrate ice dyeing again this year.
I taught how to do regular ice dyeing and. . .
 . . .parfait ice dyeing.  
I really like using this glass containers for parfait demonstrations because everyone can see the pretty colors.  During Anne's presentation she recommended NOT using complimentary colors in the same ziplock bag because you get lots of browns.  
So what did I do?  
I used complimentary colors.
I'm a rebel like that.
I'm really not sure what I was saying in this next photo when my daughter, Annie, took the shot but it looks like I am performing a magic trick. :) Dyeing is a bit of magic I suppose!
I really don't like this photo of me but I do like that Annie caught me being animated so I thought I would put on my big girl panties and share the photo.
The fabrics are now all rinsed and look beautiful.
I'll post photos of the finished fabrics on Friday.


Lynda said…
Can't wait to see them! What a fun time!
I can't think of a better way to spend an afternoon!

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