Dye Results

 I finally finished washing, drying and ironing my fabrics from the Dye Party.
A few of them I want to overdye. . .
 . . . but overall I like what I got!
 This is the piece I used to show how the Color Magnet Pen works.
What does it look like to you?
I really like how these one yard pieces came out.
 Especially this one!
A very satisfying dye session!
Don't forget to hop over to Craftsy by clicking here to enter in my giveaway of Jane Dunnewold's The Art of Cloth Dyeing class.
Online Quilting Class


Jeannie said…
Great results!!! I am so envious. I have at least 2 more months to wait before opening the outdoor studio. I keep telling myself I'll be more organized by then - oh the lies I tell myself!!! :) I find that I usually love the overdyed fabrics best. Have fun this weekend!
Regina B Dunn said…
Wonderful results. I love the look of the magenta and blue one. Very vibrant and amazing patterns.
Sylvia said…
Love how you put them on your fence to photograph! It was a fun time at the retreat!
Lynda said…
Lovely! They came out beautiful. I love that even if we aren't happy with the results we can always overdye. So much fun!
A nice splash of color - soooo fun!

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