Mosaic Fabric

 The Printed Fabric Bee Queen for February was Lesley Riley.  
Her theme was Mosaic.
It was a challenging theme for everyone in the Bee it seems.
I did NOT like my first attempts:
First I stenciled Color Magnet 
through a stencil I created with my Silhouette
and dyed the fabric.
I thought I would stamp over this background
with these simple foam stamps. . .
 . . . but after one stamp. . .umm, absolutely NOT.
Maybe a more transparent paint but. . .well I just wasn't feeling it.
I started over with a piece of snow dyed fabric. . .
. . .and painted squares through another stencil I made. . .
. . .it was pretty but I didn't think it looked very mosaic-y.
Not to mention that Mister didn't approve at all.
He is very critical!
I created a new stencil of a flower and tried again with the Jacquard textile paint. . .
 . . . and I liked it!
 Here is the full piece I completed.
I cut off a 12" square for Lesley 
and a 6" square for one lucky giveaway winner.

Leave a comment on The Printed Fabric Bee's Facebook page or Lesley's blog anytime through March 15th for your chance to win all nine 6" squares.

And then visit all the hive member's blogs to see how they created their fabrics this month.

March's Queen is Carol R. Eaton and her theme is Woodlands.

Don't forget to check out our page on Pinterest too!


I love all the fabrics you created for this theme! What a challenging theme!
Lisa said…
sometimes it takes a while to get that perfect piece! Love it!
Thread Born said…
It was fun to see the progression. Love the final piece!-Julie

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