Dyeing for Spring AND a GIVEAWAY!

I came back from retreating
and this is what greeted me in my front yard.
I had to post a photo to give hope to those who are still suffering from cold days and snow on the ground.  Spring is coming!!!  The weather was great at the retreat too, especially on the day I taught Dyeing.
The ladies at the Super Spring Retreat were great!
We had a little bit of wind but the temperature was perfect.

I was able to do a little dyeing too but still need to get my fabrics washed, dried, and ironed before I can take some photos of them.
I had a lot of fun, and I think the ladies did too.
I love dyeing fabric,
and I love helping others get addicted to dyeing too.
One of the best classes I've ever taken on Dyeing 
was from Jane Dunnewold on Craftsy.
I learned so much from Jane's class and I would love for YOU to be able to learn from her too, so I have paired with Craftsy to giveaway her class to one lucky blog reader!  All you need to do is click on this link to Craftsy and sign in, if you are already a member, or sign up, if you aren't a member.  
The giveaway will end on March 31st so hurry over!
Best wishes and Happy Dyeing!


Great giveaway, but when I tried clicking on your link to enter, a message said it was not found. So I guess you need to fix your link before anyone can enter the giveaway.

I love hand dyed fabric and have done some dyeing in the past here and there. Curious about what the Craftsy class teaches.
Lynda said…
Can't wait to see your fabric! I absolutely LOVED Jane's Craftsy class. I learned so much.
utahoosier said…
Looks like everyone had a lot of fun! Thanks for the giveaway. I just clicked on the link and it worked perfectly for me.
Looks like a great workshop! I long to be outside!
Lisa said…
sweet! that would be awesome! I have a friend who is on her way to TX to participate in an ongoing workshop with Jane! Thanks for the giveaway!

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