Quilting Arts TV - Part 1

I have so many photos of my adventure to Quilting Arts TV that I decided to break it up into several posts. I hope you don't mind!  I had a fabulous time, especially once I completed my three segments and got past the nervousness. Everyone at KS Productions, where the show is filmed, was fantastic!  Everyone there really goes out of their way to make you feel comfortable and relaxed.  I really hated to leave.  
Well, enough of my gabbing - on to the photos!

The adventure began when I took a train. . .
 . . .plane. . .

 . . .and fancy schmancy automobile to KS Productions in Solon, Ohio.
I drove straight to the studio from the airport.
I had to get my things organized for filming the next day.
were getting ready to film with host, Susan Brubaker Knapp, when I arrived.
Laura and Frieda are two of the nicest people you will ever meet! 
They made filming look like a piece of cake! 
After ironing all of my fabric samples and quilts, I decided to take a selfie 
- guess I got a bit overheated from all that ironing!
 Kristine Lundblad, assistant editor at Quilting Arts magazine, 
and I watched the filming from the green room.
Catherine Redford filmed a workshop on Modern Machine Quilting once Frieda and Laura were done.  I kept sneaking in the studio during setup for photos. 
 These guys work hard - I just caught them at a down moment.

 That night I went to dinner with everyone and tried to relax.
It is wonderful to visit with like minded people!

I didn't sleep very well that night, but it was what it was.  Sleep or not, it was showtime.
Karen, the makeup artist, made me look beautiful without anything getting into my eyes and making them water!  Woohoo!  If only she could do my makeup everyday.
I have eyes!
AND eyebrows!
I never have eyebrows!
And they looks so natural!
The worst part of the day was waiting my turn.
Fortunately people like Vivika DeNegre made it easier!
 Andrea Brokenshire was up first with her gorgeous flower quilts.
Kathie Stull, producer and owner of KS Productions, is on the right hand side, Lynn Lunoe, segment producer has her back to the camera, and QATV host, Susan Brubaker Knapp and Andrea are seated.
 Nancy Clark McNally was next to film her gorgeous quilting.
 I enjoyed watching everyone's presentation from the green room.  
It really helped me to have a sense of what filming would be like when I went on camera.
 After lunch it was my turn to film three segments:
 Segment 1: Creating Stencils
First there was set-up. . .
 . . .and explaining everything I would be doing. . .
 . . .then promo photos and filming!
 Segment 2: Basic Sun Printing
More set up. . .
 More photos and filming
Yikes!  My hair!
I look way too happy.
 Segment 3 (which will be part of Season 1800): Advanced Sun Printing
 I'm feeling more relaxed at this point because I am almost done!
Susan and I coordinate so well in this segment.
 And finally - it's a wrap!
 Everything was quickly moved back to the green room 
to make way for Catherine Redford who was filming a workshop.
I didn't get my hands dirty until I moved my paint back into the green room.  
Even then I didn't get it on my manicure.
And as far as I know I didn't even get any on my clothing.
 It's a MIRACLE! 
So, that is my experience filming for QATV.
The episodes will air on PBS stations around the country starting in January.  The segments will also be available on DVD and for download.  I will be sure to post once I know they are available.
I'll have more photos later from the rest of the experience.


Laura McGrath said…
Looks like a lot of fun! I really wish I lived somewhere that these shows were available on PBS, I have three different PBS channels available but none of them show Quilting Arts, or any other sewing/quilting shows.
Lynda said…
Lisa, That looks like so much fun. And you had three different tops on!! You looked great. I can't wait to see your segments.
Unknown said…
Great job Lisa! Can't wait to see it.
Unknown said…
Fantastic, thank you for sharing your experience! I'm soooooooo proud of you!! (((hug)))
Thread Born said…
Hi Lisa- A great overview of the experience! Wish I'd had it together enough to take photos of all that was going on. You look great in the promo photos...I know what you mean about looking "too happy"...I have a couple of photos like that!
Michele Bilyeu said…
Love this this and looking forward to more!!!
Lisa said…
how fun!!!! You look great!! I can hardly wait to see your segments!
Jennilyn said…
Can't wait to watch them! Great job!

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