Quilting Arts TV - Part 2

After the nervousness of filming was over, I was able to pack up my things and relax.
My flight the next day wasn't until late in the afternoon so I spent the day at KS Productions to give support to Julie Booth and Susan Edmonson.
 Susan did a fabulous job filming her segments.
 Such beautiful pieces by Susan!
 And of course, I LOVED her prayer flags.  As soon as Vivika saw them she called me over - "LOOK! They are so beautiful!"  I had to get photos so that I could post them over on The Prayer Flag Blog.  There are a few more over on the blog so be sure to pop over and see them.
Susan Purney Mark, Julie Booth and I took a Printed Fabric Bee photo while Julie was waiting her turn.  Vivika referred to us as a swarm.  I look like a crazy woman.  Hahaha
Finally it was Julie's turn to set up.
Then a few promo shots.
 Then time to film!
And one last shot: Susan Brubaker Knapp's quilts waiting for her to film her workshop.  I just love Susan's thread work and quilting!  I know there will be a lot I can learn from her upcoming workshop.
I hope you enjoyed the photos and are excited for QATV 1700 and 1800.
I know I am!


Lynda said…
Lisa, What a great experience and thanks for letting us see inside it! This series sure looks good!
Lisa said…
Loads more fun!!!!
Wow! Thanks for the behind the scenes look! It looked like a really great experience! I noticed Susan was wearing Julie's scarf - that was a nice touch!
Thread Born said…
Lisa-Thanks for recording the experience...and for being such great moral support! It WAS sweet that Susan PM wore my scarf...it was a nice surprise when she arrived.

I was wondering if I looked like a Disney character with my gesturing white gloves :)?
Michele Bilyeu said…
You "look like a crazy woman"??? You mean you're not??? hahaha. Love all of these, too! Although I finally realized something. All of us put blog copyrights on our photos now, and that explains why pinterest pinners fail to give credit and I can't trace things back correctly! It goes to the blogger not the artist. I don't know how we get around that. But, on the other hand, as far as pinterest people know 'I' have won one heck of a lot of blue ribbons at a LOT of quilt shows..hahaha. No wonder people send me emails saying my quilts are amazing. Of course, little do they know I AM a crazy woman..a crazy blogger not maker of most of the quilts. I just look dazed and ditzy not surprised and filled with the wonderfulness of this experience...like you ;-)

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