Craft Napa 2019

It was another fun year at Craft Napa. This year started off with a get to know you dinner in which I met up with friends from home, as well as new friends from here and there.
Making New Friends.

Patti Pitts from the Utah Surface Design Group

 So Many cute Postcards to raise money for the Animals misplaced by the Camp Fires in California. I donated a few, and bought quite a few as well.

 I took Libby Williamson's Tea Bag Revival class.

Krista Lopez is a local Napa resident who I met during my first Craft Napa.

Libby photobombing Jenny Lyon and I during class.
 The beginning of my tea bag art.

 Libby giving us important instructions about free motion quilting.
Almost finished! I need to do more hand stitching and then attach the tea bags to a backing.

The Tea Bag Revival class.

Two of the great postcards I purchased. 
They were made by Stacy Hurt
 The luncheon featured a wonderful lecture by fabric designer, Jennifer Sampou.

Took a really fun painting collage class with Judy Coates Perez .

Hanging with Judy and Sonja.

I fell in love with the Posca paint pens and have purchased quite a few.

 Representatives from the Social Justice Sewing Academy came out to spread the word about SJSA.
Hanging out with Bryan and Claudia

 Tim Jenison came out to introduce his film Tim's Vermeer, and share what he is up to now.

Vendor night with Libby and Martha Wolfe.

 Some people go to extremes for the perfect selfie. Haha


I took Leslie Jenison's Housetop Quilt class on the last day of Craft Napa. 

I love this quilt!

 This was my version of the quilt.
 Pieces from the rest of the class too.

After Craft Napa, Libby and I made our way to Berkley and loaded up on donuts. . .

 . . .and a visit to one of our favorite fabric stores.


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