100 Days of Trees - 75 to 100

Dragon Blood tree (day 75) is named such because it has dark red resin!
I really like attempting to draw twisted trunks on trees from my head. (Day76)
For day 77 I decided to take the tree from top to root!
Day 78 I would rather not talk about. It's not my favorite. Mostly because my cliff was so steep that it left nothing to draw on a third of the page! I suppose I could change that. But sometimes it's just better to move on. 
Day 79 is a carved stamp of a Northern Pin Oak leaf.
Day 80 is a carved stamp of a Blue Gum Eucalyptus.
Day 81 is a leaning lemon tree.
A repeating carved olive branch brings around day 82, and day 83, is just a simple tree from my imagination. 

"Old Tjikko" is a Norwegian Spruce and thought to be the oldest living tree - or at least the roots are. Click on the link to learn more about this old tree. 
Day 85 is a Shagbark Hickory. Such interesting bark.
Day 86 is a crazy doodle.
A Cedar of Lebanon brings us up to day 87. And while there should have been 88 rings for Day 88, there are only twenty something.  Day 89 was my attempt at building a grown up tree house. The steps to get up are hidden on the other side. *wink*
The crazy Boojum tree, which technically is a succulent, is day 91.
A carved stamp leaf of the Tulip tree is day 92, and day 93 is just a tall evergreen of my imagination.

Day 93 is another tribute to the survival of trees. So many in my neighborhood seem to be holding on by the roots! Another twisty, scrappy bark tree for day 94, and a Kumquat tree for day 95. I seriously have trouble drawing straight lines. This poor tree is leaning, but in the opposite direction of my lemon tree. 

I got an itch to carve so days 96,97 and 98 are carved leaves: Black Walnut, Silver Maple and an Evergreen bough. 

Day 99 is a new beginning with a new tree growing in the decay of an old tree, and day 100 is another tree from my imagination. 

I really enjoyed learning and growing in my drawings, and knowledge of trees too. I feel as if the drawings will seep in to my future art.

Here's a little video of the notebook I drew all my designs in.
It's fun to flip through.


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