100 Days of Trees - 66 to 74

Because of my obsession with layered mandalas, 
I decided to give a layered, painted process a try with a tree for Day 66. Not my favorite. 
Not sure if I will be trying that again. 
Next was a copse of trees, and then a stamp of a crooked evergreen. 
Both were inspired by photos I took in a cemetery. 

Day 69 is several stamps inspired by leaves from a Dwarf Chestnut tree.
Day 70 is a stamp as well. Just a creepy, twisty old tree, which I really love.
I broke out the Pentel pigment brush pen again for day 71's Baobab tree.

A redwood for day 72.
An American Chestnut for day 73. Most of these beautiful trees were virtually destroyed by a blight about a century ago. The trees are what is called functionally extinct because the blight does not wipe out the roots, allowing the tree to send up new trees which are eventually wiped out down to the roots again by the blight.

Day 74 is a Mangrove tree.

If you have any interest in trees this novel is fascinating:

The Overstory by Richard Powers

I learned so much from this novel, and it kept me looking up even more information about trees.


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