Imagination Journal

Another online class I am doing is Alisa Burke's "The Imagination Journal."
I'm not working on it everyday, but what I have done has been fun.
I forgot to take a photo of these pages before drawing on them.
This one started out as a lot of purple and blue blobs.
I did my best to try being very childlike while doing this drawing.
As I drew the rounded houses a song from a TV show of my youth came to mind. 
"Gily gily gily gily gily a sa sa"
Just that phrase. I couldn't remember anything else so I took a dive into 1960's children's shows in the Chicago area. I knew it was a show for Jewish children and taught Biblical stories and Jewish history. I wasn't Jewish but it was the only thing on on early Sunday mornings so I watched. 
It was called "The Magic Door"

The rounded houses remind me of the acorn house Tiny Tov went into at the beginning of the show.

I found this bear photo in an advertisement for a trip to Alaska.
I thought he went nicely on the background I had painted. 
I then added some mandalas behind him.

I didn't think there was enough contrast so I put a sheer layer of white over the background, 
and a little blue around the bear.

I'm still not sure if I like it.
But it's not a masterpiece, just a practice piece.


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